BSSEC CIC: Ways to Wellbeing this World Mental Health Day
6th October 2024
With World Mental Health Day this week, Thursday 10th October, we are reflecting on what mental health in the workplace looks and feels like.
While we’re all on the bandwidth of mental health, which can range at any time from positive and resilient, to depleted and burnout, there is also the recognised increase in mental health diagnoses from long-term stress, ADHD, and other critical mental health conditions. Often these not only impact the individual but also those around them, from family and friends, to work colleagues and local communities. They also remain hidden in many instances, including in the workplace.
On any day, simply going to the shops can be a trial, let alone showing up at your desk and engaging productively with deadlines, customers, or errant IT issues!
In our July Social Economy FORUM, we discussed the ‘Why, What and How of Wellbeing in a Social Economy Setting’ – timely as it turned out, well worth a read!
Our thanks again for wellbeing, and mental health, insights from Citizen Coaching, Roots HR and Better Pathways – each one being a social enterprise working in the area of mental health in the workplace, and each seeing the need for mental health services rising.
“In the Social Enterprise UK ‘State of Social Enterprise 2021: West Midlands’ survey report, evidence shows that the Healthcare sector is the strongest in the region at 13% of social enterprises working and delivering health and wellbeing services.”
In the world of social enterprise and VCFSE sector, we talk about a ‘social economy’ – the ability to deliver goods, services and contracts but with people and planet at its heart, meaning economies are more sustainable, inclusive, and fair. Thriving economies surely have to be good for everyone.
A key takeaway from our July FORUM session was that mental health underpins our wellbeing, and wellbeing underpins our ability to work, which in turn underpins our economy.
Looking after our individual and collective mental health is a big step towards improving lives and creating a ‘good mental health’ ripple effect across our social connections, throughout our local communities and within our workplace.
Some personal reflections on ways towards wellbeing…
- Grab a cuppa, take a break.
- Have a little time outside, and breathe deep.
- Get involved in something that makes you happy.
- Surround yourself with good people.
- Tell someone how much you value them.
- Small acts of kindness really do make a big difference.
…and the words of Michael Young, Founder of School for Social Entrepreneurs, on the wall photo taken at the launch of SSE Midlands with Charles Rapson many a year ago but still so very relevant. BE REMARKABLE EVERYONE!
Finally, sharing some great resources to tap into…
- Mental Health Foundation
- Mental Health First Aid England
- Mind
- Health and Safety Executive
- Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
Blog written and shared by Sallie Ryan | Director, BSSEC CIC