West Midlands Combined Authority

WMCA: Shared Prosperity Fund – June update

Shared on behalf of the West Midlands Combined Authority:

UK SPF for at Risk Voluntary and Community Sector Organisations

As set out in the UKSPF prospectus, the initial focus of the UKSPF programme in 2022-23 and 2023-24 will be on communities and place and local business interventions, alongside support for people through the Multiply adult numeracy programme. This is designed to complement residual employment and skills funding from the European Social Fund. UKSPF investment to support people and skills will follow from 2024-25, when the funding pot reaches its full extent.

Lead local authorities (WMCA for the 7 Met area) have the flexibility to fund targeted people and skills provision in 2022-23 and 2023-24 where this is a continuing priority for 2024-25 and may be at significant risk of ending due to the tail off of EU funds. However, this flexibility may only be used where provision is currently delivered by voluntary and community organisations, having regard for the focus of the Fund and available funding.

Given the timelines we are working to, we ask that you look to complete this form and return to your local authority contact/WMCA as a matter or priority.  Consideration is currently being given to local authority priorities, which will form part of the wider UKSPF Investment Plan.

INITIAL PROPOSAL DEADLINE: Proposals should submitted to the WMCA on/by Thursday 23rd June 2022.

To support this process a SPF VCS Provision at Risk Business Case Form has been developed for completion and submission to your respective local authority.

DOWNLOAD THE FORM HERE:  SPF VCS Provision at Risk Business Case

Our local authorities will be leading on this process and will be responsible for reviewing and considering  these business cases for potential inclusion in local proposal.  If you do not have the contact details for your local authority leads, completed forms can be submitted to UKSPF@wmca.org.uk.


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