BSSEC CIC: ReBOOT Reflections
12th January 2025
We are delighted to share the summary report of BSSEC CIC’s innovative technology event, ReBOOT, as an experiential technology interchange for the social economy sector across the West Midlands. The ReBOOT interchange event came about as a direct result of feedback from a BSSEC CIC Roundtable in March 2024, part of our Social Economy SESSIONS supported by West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA).
The West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) has a Digital Roadmap 2024-2027 which details the technological strengths of the region which includes 5G coverage (65% across the region), businesses growing by effectively using technological solutions plus the use of AI. They have appointed a Tech Commissioner and they are working with Tech West Midlands About TechWM: Driving Tech Innovation in the West Midlands who are the voice of the tech ecosystem in the region.
Currently, the social economy has no specific presence in this agenda and is largely overlooked although it could be considered the sector is viewed as part of resources available to SME’s.
Martin Ward, our West Midlands Tech Commissioner, said: “It’s essential that we fully embrace new digital technologies as a key driver of future economic growth in our region. Our tech sector has transformed over time, and there are now job opportunities here in start-ups, scale-ups and major enterprises that were previously only available in London. We must build on that momentum and be bold in our actions to realise the potential we have to become a global tech superpower in our own right.” (Feb 2024).
Social Economy organisations need to embrace these opportunities.
For the last few decades, the focus for social economy organisations has been on managing technologies, tools, applications, frameworks, data ecosystems, and other things that work together. Adoption is often ad hoc, with a needs-led approach rather than something planned and integral to the operation of the business. This approach could be seen as being less dynamic and does not necessarily stimulate innovation.
ReBOOT reports for you to view and download >
This event was made possible by kind support from West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) and our event sponsors, Forward Carers CIC. ReBOOT was hosted at STEAMhouse, Belmont Row, Birmingham B4 7RQ on Thursday 14th November 2024.
Our immense thanks to all our Panel Experts, Social Innovators and Tech Gurus who supported ReBOOT 2024.