BSSEC CIC: Growing the Social Economy – an update

Further to our earlier post, BSSEC Talking Collaboration and Clusters, in which we introduced the idea of facilitated roundtable discussions to help promote the plans BSSEC CIC has been part of for growing the social economy across the region.
We have now held two roundtable events, both facilitated by Sarah Beaumont — and with more sessions to come later this year.
EcoSystems Roundtable #1: The importance of a social enterprise eco-system for growing the social economy in the West Midlands
This first session considered the idea of a development ‘ecosystem’ and included panel speakers from WMCA, Anthony Collins Solicitors, and Feed My Creative CIC. You can read the short report of that session here: BSSEC Social Economy Ecosystem Roundtable 1 MAY 2022
Importance of Clusters and Networks
EcoSystems Roundtable #2: Importance of Social Economy Clusters
Our second session considered how WMCA’s ambitions to double the size of the social economy in the region over the next decade can utilise a place-based approach to development. Our speakers for this session included CLES, Birmingham City Council, Birmingham We Are and iSE CIC. This report is available for you to read here: BSSEC Social Economy Roundtable 2 JULY 2022
The value and commitment to those attending is reflected by the following feedback received:

Thanks for inviting me to the fascinating meeting. I’m keen to stay part of the valuable network and also happy to contribute as best I can both through my roles within the ecosystem and as a researcher with a background in public policy. (Aston University)

If you would like to receive an invitation to be part of a future roundtable please email Sallie Ryan
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