Social Economy Drive


How exciting is this – first sight of the initial #SED2023 Programme!

This year the social enterprise sector comes together with third sector, community organisations, private businesses, and public sector in an incredible week showcasing how WE ARE GROWING THE REGIONAL SOCIAL ECONOMY.

Committed, inspiring, passionate and enterprising, there are 14 events from 7 Regional Partners that will bring together commissioners, stakeholders, leaders, entrepreneurs, creators and innovators who are all looking to create a better, fairer social economy for all. There’s absolutely a social enterprise and social economy ‘something for everyone’ in the vibrant week that is Social Economy Drive West Midlands… and we’re excited to share it with you!

Directors Sarah Crawley Beaumont OBE and Sallie Ryan will be at both the following key events, along with attending others across the week, and very much look forward to seeing you, in-person (we’re very excited!) and catching up over a coffee!

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Tuesday 14th November 2023, 11.00am to 1.00pm, Soho House Birmingham, in-person

BSSEC CIC is delighted to be hosting our November eco-systems Roundtable ‘SOCIAL ECONOMY IS THE SOLUTION’. This facilitated conversation will aim to explore place-based social economy development, doughnut economics, ecosystems, the planet, youth, equality and assets plus the opportunity to network in-person and add to the vibrant conversation that’s informing the role of the sector in growing the regional social economy.

Part of the 2023 series, the eco-systems Roundtables have proven themselves to be a highly engaged, expert-led discussions covering a broad range of key topics for both the social enterprise sector and the wider social economy, including social investment, business support and strategic branding that produce invaluable insights. Roundtable reports are influencing stakeholders and providing an impact resource to the sector attendees.

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Thursday 16th November 2023, 10am to 2pm, Birmingham, in-person

DEPARTMENT for TRANSPORT are kindly hosting a VCSE MEET THE BUYER EVENT for trading social enterprises and VCSE’s in the supply chain. Commissioners from a wide range of key stakeholders and first tier organisations involved in the event purchase a broad range of products and services; from catering to cleaning services, coaching to mental health support, signage to training etc.

The event will include:

  • Keynote from Andy Street, Mayor for the West Midlands.
  • Keynote Claire Dove CBE, VCSE Crown Representative.
  • Keynote from Paul Rodgers, Department for Transport Group Commercial Director and Government Commercial Function Leadership Group SME sponsor.
  • Networking with the Department for Transport, HS2 Ltd, Network Rail, National Highways and many more to enhance the transparency of pipeline information and innovation opportunities.
  • Key suppliers sharing best practice on how to become a sub-contractor in the supply chain.
  • Networking with Crown Commercial Service will provide details on the SME friendly frameworks available and how to enroll.


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C E N T R A L   S E D   W E B P A G E


Social Economy Drive 2023 | supported by West Midlands Combined Authority and Power to Change, and organised by iSE CIC.

West Midlands Regional Partners | Birmingham iSE CIC | Coventry Coventry & Warwickshire CDA | Dudley Provision House | Sandwell Sandwell Council of Voluntary Organisations | Solihull Warwickshire & Solihull CVA |  Walsall One Walsall | Wolverhampton Access 2 Business

Website built by Agency for Good

Copyright 2025. All rights reserved by BSSEC CIC.

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