The state of economic justice in Birmingham & the Black Country 2021 — major new report published
3rd February 2021
The funding that The Barrow Cadbury Trust invests in its Economic Justice programme continues to help break new and important ground.
The New Policy Institute (NPI), supported by The Barrow Cadbury Trust, has just published its second major analysis of economic justice in Birmingham and the Black Country.
The State of Economic Justice in Birmingham and the Black Country 2021 examines the state of ‘economic justice’ in Birmingham and the four local authority areas of Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton under four headings:
» Population and public.
» Household and community resources.
» Productivity and jobs.
» Employment, pay and job security.
» Housing.
The report follows the IPPR’s definition of economic justice as ‘an economy that fairly generates and distributes its rewards’.
The report acknowledges that the existence of many deeply deprived local areas in Birmingham and the Black Country will “not be news to people who know the area well”. But its aim — and it is a vital one — is to ensure “that what is known through experience is reflected in official statistics”. And this is what the report does an excellent job of — setting Birmingham and Black Country data in a national context.
The wealth of data and analysis in NPI’s new report will act as a source-book for a long time to come for anyone whose work touches on social and economic justice in Birmingham and the Black Country.