Could you benefit from the support of a bright and motivated University of Birmingham student?

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This, just in from the University of Birmingham College of Arts & Law…

It’s that time of year when the University of Birmingham starts recruiting employer partners for our Professional Skills Module Placements Bank.

Placement students from the College of Arts and Law can help your organisation in a host of ways through the Professional Skills Module, which co-ordinates 70-hour work placements operating between June-December.

Our students are keen to work with charities, social enterprises, start-ups and SMEs where their contribution can really make an impact. We are seeking site-based or virtual roles in which students can take ownership of a project or focus under your supervision. The extra capacity and support you gain will help students towards their degree.

Just think what your organisation could achieve during these difficult times with the energy, creativity, writing and research skills of some of our brightest minds…

Find out more:

University of Birmingham ‘Professional Skills Module for Employers’ page.

→ Find out how students supported organisations in 2021.

→ Send mail to Lesley Griffiths, Placements Officer, to arrange a discussion.



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