BVSC wants your feedback on what this year’s ‘state of the sector survey’ should include

Graphic: courtesy BVSC

BVSC’s State of the Sector 2020 survey underwent an almost complete redesign last year in order to focus on gathering as much data as possible about the state of the voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise sector as it went into the pandemic and as it began to emerge from two successive lockdowns.

The published findings report (Nov 2020) enabled BVSC to do important work in lobbying for and advocating on behalf of the sector.

The 2021 survey is currently in the planning stages and BVSC wants to hear what you think needs to go into it. Help shape the 2021 survey by telling BVSC what you most want to get out of it — complete the short (three question) scoping survey (the link is at the foot of the page).

 Read the full story over on the BVSC website.

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