BSSEC Eco-Systems Roundtable: Accessing Markets and Social Procurement

Our 2022 Roundtable Series has explored various themes of interest, all relating back to stimulating and developing eco-systems to enable the growth of the regional social economy.

The September 2022 Roundtable explored whether supply chain and procurement opportunities are accessible and do they really work for social enterprises. Discussions encompassed how the local and national eco-system can support this and what needs to change – if anything!

We set some key questions to our invited speakers:

  • Everyone talks about the need for social enterprises to grow – what’s happening and what’s limiting it?  
  • The opportunities are out there, how does the eco-system support the sector to access them?  
  • How serious are social enterprises about growth and accessing contracts?  

A truly impassioned and stimulating open discussion ensued and we would like to thank our panel for their highly valuable and interesting insights:

Widening out the conversation brought varied perspectives from our highly diverse attendee group of social enterprises, universities, local networks, social finance, community and sector support organisations. This meant a broad discussion on the opportunities that ‘access to procurement’ creates for the social economy, and also many insights on how we might address some of the barriers with solutions!

Download the Roundtable Social Procurement Summary here: BSSEC Roundtable 3 Procurement and Social Enterprise Growth SEPT 2022 final

These sessions are becoming extremely helpful in enabling key stakeholders to have the space to discuss the important building blocks of our social economy eco-system and how collaboratively we might work together to support regional sector growth.

This has been very illuminating, thanks so much! ROUNDTABLE PARTICIPANT

It really was a great session – as was evidenced by us going over time! 


Sarah Beaumont | Facilitator and Director

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